Innovations Center Of GTU

Big Ideas Challenge 2020

The winner of “BIG IDEA CHALLENGE 2020” is known at the Georgian Technical University.

“BIG IDEA CHALLENGE 2020” has been completed at the Georgian Technical University. Today, on May 28th, within the framework of the British “Creative Spark’s” global competition “Big Idea Challenge 2020”, the concluding online meeting has beem held at GTU, where the winner team was announced.

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Detailed Information “Big Idea Challenge 2020“ About Different Issue See Here:

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Big Ideas Challenge – 2020

Georgian Technical University, as a partner institution, in a collaboration with Keele University, is participating in British Council Grant Program: “Creative Spark: Higher Education Enterprise Program” 2nd years’ project.
Within the framework of the mentioned project, in Georgian Technical University has been announced  the “Big Idea Challenge-2020 ” competition, in which can participate students of all degrees, academic and administrative staff, and other alumni of GTU under 35, whom has got an innovative entrepreneurial ideas and want to turn their ideas into a real business projects. The participation in the competition can be both individual and in teams (teams must comprise no more than three people).

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As part of the Creative Spark programme, the British Council is running an enterprise video pitch competition in 2020, which is specifically designed to improve awareness and skills in entrepreneurship for participants. The competition will be branded as the Creative Spark Big Idea Challenge and a competition website is hosted here: Each participating institution is invited to put forward 10 applications, consisting of 60 seconds pitches & supporting idea descriptions that will compete in the international Creative Spark Big Idea Challenge. Applications must be assigned to one of the following categories: Digital Technology, Social Impact or Creative (see more information in section 2.b) below). In each of the 7 participating countries, a Country Category Winner for each category, a People’s Choice Winner and an overall Country Champion will be selected. In addition, amongst the 7 Country People’s Choice Winners, an International People’s Choice Winner will be chosen. Representatives of the 7 Country Champions and the International People’s Choice Winner will win a trip to London, where their business ideas will be further refined during a Start-up Sprint weekend followed by the selection of an overall Grand Champion and International Category Winners for the 3 categories (a complete breakdown of prizes can be found in section 7.). This document provides an overview of the competition’s key dates, its phases throughout 2020, a summary of support documents for partners and participants, eligibility criteria for participants, a detailed list of participating institutions, detailed timelines and prizes breakdown.

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